Both hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS) and hypermobility spectrum disorder (HSD) can be very complex and daunting conditions.
Claire’s approach to addressing this is methodical and thoughtful throughout, with great care given to the language used, and information provided. The result - a remarkably clear and concise text.
There is a wonderful balance to Claire’s writing arising from her extensive experience as a writer and editor of patient information booklets and journals; her own health needs; being a carer herself; the exposure to, and the support of others with these conditions through her work with several charities, and the relationships she has developed world-wide with health and social care professionals in this field of Medicine.
Citing the literature and incorporating the reflections of patients and professional colleagues, Claire carefully guides us through the world of hEDS and HSD, dividing the book in to three chapters, each broken down into manageable sections, and flagging information through post-it notes along the way.
Claire takes us through the biology, classification, and diagnosis of hEDS and HSD, cutting through the medical language and bringing us right up to date with the latest knowledge of the associations between a variety of issues, their medical treatment, and ways to self-manage.
I commend this terrific book to anyone wishing to learn more about these conditions, the different concerns that can arise, the effects these can have on peoples’ lives, and the modern methods of treatment.
This is very much a book for patients, carers, and health and social care colleagues alike.
Alan Hakim MA PGCert-TM FRCP
Consultant Rheumatologist
Specialising in hypermobility related disorders